Dynatrace OneAgent SDK for C/C++
Miscellaneous | |
Common Tracer Functions | Basic functions that can be used with all or multiple tracer types |
Custom Request Attributes | Attach custom key/value pairs to the active tracer |
In-Process Link Functions | Associate asynchronous tasks in the same process with the current operation |
Remote Call Tracers | Trace calls to remote services (RMI, etc.) |
Database Request Tracers | Trace SQL-based database requests |
Incoming Web Request Tracers | Trace the server side of web requests |
Outgoing Web Request Tracers | Trace the client side of web requests |
Custom Service Tracers | Trace services that are important but for which there is no more specific tracer |
Messaging | Trace messages sent or received via a messaging system |
W3C Trace Context | Retrieve the current W3C Trace Context (trace + span ID) |
Channel Types and Endpoints | Describes communication (networking, I/O) channels and endpoints |
Initialization and Shutdown | APIs to configure, initialize and shutdown the SDK and agent and related basic functions |
Metric API | APIs to report numeric metrics (aka time series data) |
Strings | See onesdk_string_t for more information about SDK strings |