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3. Run Demo

Import Dynatrace Dashboard#

While you are waiting for the environment, add the dashboard to your Dynatrace environment.

  1. Save the k6 dashboard to your local machine.
  2. In Dynatrace, navigate to Dashboards and click Upload
  3. Upload the dashboard JSON file

Start k6#

In the codespace terminal, type docker ps and wait until Docker is running.

You should see this:

docker ps

Now run k6 with the demo script. Copy and paste this as-is into the terminal window:

source /workspaces/$RepositoryName/.env

docker run \
    --mount type=bind,source=/workspaces/$RepositoryName/k6scripts,target=/k6scripts hrexed/xk6-dynatrace-output:0.11 run /k6scripts/script.js \
    -o output-dynatrace

Validate Metrics#

k6 streams metrics into Dynatrace so after about a minute, do the following to ensure metrics are reaching Dynatrace.

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k and search for notebooks
  • Create a new notebook and add a new DQL section
  • Type the following: timeseries avg(k6)
  • Press ctrl + = to bring up auto completion. You should see the list of ingest

notebook showing metrics

View Events#

When the load test finished, the teardown function sends a Software Delivery Lifecycle Event (SDLC) to Dynatrace.

// Run load with 2 virtual users for 1 minute
export const options = {
  vus: 2,
  duration: '1m',


export function teardown() {
  let post_params = {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': `Api-Token ${__ENV.K6_DYNATRACE_APITOKEN}`

  // Send SDLC event at the end of the test
  let payload = {
    "event.provider": "k6",
    "event.type": "test",
    "event.category": "finished",
    "service": "dummyservice",
    "duration": options.duration
  let res =`${__ENV.K6_DYNATRACE_URL}/platform/ingest/v1/events.sdlc`, JSON.stringify(payload), post_params);

Notice that the event contains metadata such as the provider and service which can be used for filtering in Dynatrace (see DQL below).

This event can be used as a trigger Dynatrace for workflows, synthetic tests, the site reliability guardian and more.

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k and search for notebooks
  • Open an existing notebook or create a new one
  • Add a new DQL section and paste the following
fetch events
| filter event.kind == "SDLC_EVENT"
| filter event.provider == "k6"

sdlc event

User exercise: Modify the JSON body to also send the number of Virtual Users (VUs) used to Dynatrace. Re-run the load test to see the new event.

View Dashboard#

Open the prebuilt dashboard you previously uploaded.

Go to Dashboards (ctrl + k and search for Dashboards)

The dashboard will begin to be populated with data.

Dynatrace Grafana k6 Dashboard

The demo is complete.