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Getting Started#

Dynatrace Environment#

You must have access to a Dynatrace SaaS environment.Sign up here

Save the Dynatrace environment URL:

  • Without the trailing slash
  • Without .apps. in the URL

The generic format is:


For example:

Custom Runbook#


As the developer responsible for the cartservice, if problems occur, you're the best person to know how to resolve the issue.

To help your colleagues, you have prebuilt a notebook which will be useful as a runbook if / when problems occur.

You want to make this notebook automatically available whenever problems with the cartservice occur.

Download the file Redis Troubleshooting.json and save to your computer.

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k. Search for notebooks
  • Open the app and find the Upload button at the top of the page
  • Upload the JSON file you previously downloaded

upload button

  • Make a note of the notebook ID from the URL bar


Your environment and notebook IDs will be different.

notebook ID

Install New Problems App#

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k. Search for Hub.
  • Open the Problems app and click Install

problems app on hub

problems app install

Create OpenPipeline#

Define New Log Pipeline#

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k. Search for OpenPipeline. Open the app
  • Ensure Logs is selected and select the Pipelines tab

logs pipeline

  • Click + Pipeline to create a new log ingest pipeline.
  • Click the pencil icon and rename the pipeline to Redis Pipeline
  • Change to the Data extraction tab and add a new Davis event processor

logs pipeline davis event pipeline

  • Provide any name you like
  • Set the Matching condition to alertme == "true"
  • Set the Event name to:
[{dt.owner}] Redis connection failed
  • Set the Event description to:
  • Set the event.type property to:
  • Add 3 new properties:

    • dt.owner with value: {dt.owner}
    • dt.cost.costcenter with value: {dt.cost.costcenter}
    • dt.cost.product with value: {dt.cost.product}

Save it!

Don't forget to click Save to save the pipeline

finished pipeline definition


Create Pipeline Routing Rule#

Create a dynamic routing rule to tell Dynatrace to redirect only certain logs through the Redis pipeline.

  • Switch to the Dynamic routing tab
  • Click + Dynamic route
  • Name the route whatever you like
  • Set the Matching condition to: == "cartservice" and
dt.owner == "teamA"
  • Click Add

Save it!

Don't forget to click Save to save the dynamic route

dynamic route dynamic route save button


The pipeline is configured.

Logs flowing into dynatrace from the cartservice and owned by teamA will be processed via your custom pipeline.

If any of those individual log lines contain a K/V pair of alertme: true a problem will be raised in Dynatrace.

Create API Token#

In Dynatrace:

  • Press ctrl + k. Search for access tokens.
  • Create a new access token with the following permissions:
    • logs.ingest
    • metrics.ingest
    • openTelemetryTrace.ingest
    • events.ingest

API Token Permissions Explained#

  • logs.ingest, metrics.ingest and openTelemetryTrace.ingest are required to send the relevant telemetry data into Dynatrace
  • events.ingest is required to send the CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION event into Dynatrace

Start Demo#

You've done the hard work! It is time to spin up the demo environment.

Click this button to open the demo environment. This will open in a new tab.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

  • Fill in the form with the details you've already gathered.
  • Click Create codespace
  • Proceed to the next documentation step with the link below.

codespace form