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5. Validate Observability Data

In Dynatrace, press ctrl + k and search for Services. Dynatrace creates service entities based on the incoming span data. The logs are also available for some services

In this demo, you will be focussing on the Cart which does have logs and is written in .NET.

You can also query data via notebooks and dashboards (ctrl + k and search for notebooks or dashboards).

For example, to validate logs are available for cartservice, use one of the following methods:

Use the logs app#

  • Open the logs app.
  • Click the + icon and add a filter for with a value cartservice
  • Run the query to see the latest cartservice logs

cart service logs

Use the services screen#

  • Open the my-otel-demo-cartservice service screen
  • Click Run query on the logs panel

logs on services screen

Use the notebooks app#

  • Open the notebooks app
  • Add a Dynatrace Query Language (DQL) tile
  • Use the following DQL query:
fetch logs
| filter == "cartservice"
| limit 10

logs in notebook