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What's Next?#

This demo is a great starting point, but it's really just the beginning. You can adapt and expand this proof of concept to meet your specific needs. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Scheduled Predictions: Instead of running the prediction workflow manually, set up a timer trigger to run it periodically. Adjust the analyzed time period to match your environment.
  • Cluster Autoscaling: Explore how you can use this approach for Kubernetes cluster autoscaling.
  • Adjust to your environment: This demo is just a starting point. You can adjust the annotations, default values, thresholds and time periods to match your environment.
  • Get Creative: There are endless possibilities! Share your innovative solutions with us.

Share Your Feedback#

We value your input! If you encounter any problems, have suggestions, or just want to share your thoughts, please don't hesitate to raise an issue in this repository.