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Automate the Site Reliability Guardian#

Site reliability guardians can be automated so they happen whenever you prefer (on demand / on schedule / event based). A Dynatrace workflow is used to achieve this.

In this demo:

  • A load test will run and send a "load test finished" Software Delivery Lifecycle event into Dynatrace (see below).
  • A Dynatrace workflow will react to that event and trigger a guardian.

Let's plumb that together now.

Sample k6 teardown test finished event#

This is already coded into the demo load test script.

export function teardown() {
    let post_params = {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': `Api-Token ${__ENV.K6_DYNATRACE_APITOKEN}`

    let test_duration = 2m;

    // Send SDLC event at the end of the test
    let payload = {
      "event.provider": "k6",
      "event.type": "test",
      "event.category": "finished",
      "service": "checkoutservice",
      "duration": test_duration
    let res =`${__ENV.K6_DYNATRACE_URL}/platform/ingest/v1/events.sdlc`, JSON.stringify(payload), post_params);

Create a Workflow to Trigger Guardian#

Ensure you are still on the Three golden signals (checkoutservice) screen.

  • Click the Automate button. This will create a template workflow.
  • Change the event type from bizevents to events.
  • Change the Filter query to:
event.type == "test"
AND event.category == "finished"
AND service == "checkoutservice"
  • Click the run_validation node.
  • Remove event.timeframe.from and replace with:
now-{{ event()['duration'] }}

The UI will change this to now-event.duration.

  • Remove and replace with:
  • Click the Save button.

The workflow is now created and connected to the guardian. It will be triggered whenever the platform receives an event like below.

dynatrace automate SRG button dynatrace workflow trigger 1 dynatrace workflow time selector 2

The workflow is now live and listening for events.

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