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Enable Automatic Baselining for Site Reliability Guardian#

Objectives that are set to "auto baseline" in Dynatrace Site Reliability Guardians require 5 runs in order to enable the baselines.

In a real scenario, these test runs would likely be spread over hours, days or weeks. This provides Dynatrace with ample time to gather sufficient usage data.

For demo purposes, 5 seperate "load tests" will be triggered in quick succession to enable the baselining.

First, open a new terminal window and apply the load test script:

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-load-test-script.yaml

Trigger the First Load Test#

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-srg-training-run1.yaml

Trigger the Second Load Test#

Wait a few seconds and trigger the second load test:

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-srg-training-run2.yaml

Trigger the Third Load Test#

Wait a few seconds and trigger the third load test:

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-srg-training-run3.yaml

Trigger the Fourth Load Test#

Wait a few seconds and trigger the fourth load test:

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-srg-training-run4.yaml

Trigger the Final Training Load Test#

Wait a few seconds and trigger the final (fifth) load test:

kubectl apply -f .devcontainer/k6/k6-srg-training-run5.yaml

Wait for Completion#

Each load test runs for 1 minute so keep running the following command until you see all jobs listed as Complete:

kubectl get jobs
➜ /workspaces/obslab-release-validation (main) $ kubectl get jobs
k6-training-run1   Complete   1/1           95s        2m2s
k6-training-run2   Complete   1/1           93s        115s
k6-training-run3   Complete   1/1           93s        108s
k6-training-run4   Complete   1/1           90s        100s
k6-training-run5   Complete   1/1           84s        94s

View Completed Training Runs#

In Dynatrace, go to workflows and select Executions. You should see 5 successful workflow executions:

dynatrace training runs

View SRG Status using DQL#

You can also use this DQL to see the Site Reliability Guardian results in a notebook:

fetch bizevents
| filter event.provider == ""
| filter event.type == "guardian.validation.finished"
| fieldsKeep,, timestamp,, validation.status, validation.summary, validation.from,

dynatrace view SRG results in a notebook

View SRG Status in the Site Reliability Guardian App#

The SRG results are also available in the Site Reliabiltiy Guardian app:

  • Press ctrl + k
  • Search for site reliability guardian or srg
  • Open the app and click Open on your guardian

You should see the 5 runs listed:

srg training runs

Training Complete#

The automatic baselines for the guardian are now enabled.

You can proceed to use the guardian for "real" evaluations.

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