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Version: 1.5.3

How to add a new API

You spotted a new API which you want to automate using monaco, but sadly it's not in the table of supported APIs?

Usually, the addition of new APIs to monaco is straightforward and requires little programming experience. Only some APIs require you to do more coding. There are certain criteria for differentiating the two cases.

Easy-to-add API Characteristics

Easy-to-add APIs have these characteristics:

  • It implements the following HTTP methods. E.g for configuration APIs that is:

    • GET <my-environment>/api/config/v1/<my-config> (get all configs)
    • GET <my-environment>/api/config/v1/<my-config>/<id> (get a single config)
    • POST <my-environment>/api/config/v1/<my-config> (create a new config)
    • PUT <my-environment>/api/config/v1/<my-config>/<id> (change an existing config)
    • DELETE <my-environment>/api/config/v1/<my-config>/<id> (delete a config)
  • The model of the configuration has a name property:

"id": "acbed0c4-4ef1-4303-991f-102510a69322",
"name: "my-name"
  • The GET (all) REST call return id and name:
"values": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"

If your API supports these 3 characteristics, you just need to perform the steps in the following section to add it.

However, if your API does not fulfil the above requirements, please open a ticket in monaco's backlog to get implementation feedback from the maintainers.

Steps to add an API

  "<my-api-folder-name>": {
apiPath: "<path-to-my-api>", // mandatory
propertyNameOfGetAllResponse: "<property-name>", // not necessary in case of "values"
  • Fill the 4 placeholder values from above:
    • <my-api-folder-name>: This is the name of the API, which is also used for the folder name you need to place your configurations in. Please take a look at the existing API names to get a feeling for the naming conventions and choose it accordingly.
    • <path-to-my-api>: This path points to your API. monaco prefixes it with the environment URL to access the configs of your API.
    • <property-name>: This names the json property used in the GET ALL REST call to return the list of configs. E.g. it would be extensions, if the response of your API's GET ALL REST call looks like this:
"extensions": [
"id": "custom.python.connectionpool",
"name": "Connection Pool",
"type": "ONEAGENT"
"totalResults": 9,
"nextPageToken": "LlUdYmu5S2MfX/ppfCInR9M="

After performing this steps, please create the pull request in the upstream repository. Other users of monaco will thank you! 🚀