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Version: 1.5.3

Plugin Configuration


If you define something that depends on a metric created by a plugin, make sure to reference the plugin by name, so that the configurations will be applied in the correct order (after the plugin was created)

Plugins can not be referenced by id as the Dynatrace plugin endpoint does not return this!

Use only the plugin name

e.g. projects/example-project/anomaly-detection-metrics/numberOfDistributionInProgressAlert.json depends on the plugin defined by projects/example-project/plugin/custom.jmx.EXAMPLE-PLUGIN-MY-METRIC.json

So projects/example-project/anomaly-detection-metrics/example-anomaly.yaml references the plugin by name in a variable:

- metricPrefix: "projects/example-project/plugin/"

to then construct the metric-id in the json as:

"metricId": "ext:{{.metricPrefix}}.metric_NumberOfDistributionInProgressRequests"

Custom Extensions

Monaco is able to deploy custom extensions and handles the zipping of extensions, as such the JSON file that defines an extension can just be checked in. An example of a custom extension can be found here.