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Version: 1.6.0

Configuration Structure

Configuration files are ordered by project in the projects folder. Project folder can only contain:

  • configurations
  • or another project(s)

This means that projects can be grouped into folders.

Combining projects and configurations in same folder is not supported.

There is no restriction in the depth of projects tree.

To get an idea of the possible combinations, take a look at cmd/monaco/test-resources/integration-multi-project.

Config JSON Templates

The json files that can be uploaded with this tool are the jsons object that the respective Dynatrace APIs accept/return.

Adding a new config is generally done via the Dynatrace UI but you can also write directly to the config JSON structures.

Configs can then be downloaded via the respective GET endpoint defined in the Dynatrace Configuration API, and should be cleaned up for auto-deployment.

Checked in configuration should not include:

  • The entity's id but only it's name. The entity may be created or updated if one of the same name exists.
  • Hardcoded values for environment information such as references to other auto-deployed entities, tags, management-zones, etc.
  • Empty/null values that are optional when creating an object.
    • Most API GET endpoints return more data than needed to create an object. Many of those fields are empty or null and can just be omited.
    • e.g. tileFilters on dashboards

The tool handles these files as templates, so you can use variables in the format

{{ .variable }}

inside the config json.

Variables present in the template need to be defined in the respective config yaml - see 'Configuration YAML Structure'.

Things you should know

Dashboard JSON

When you create a dashboard in the Dynatrace UI it is private by default. All the dashboards deployed for monaco must be shared publicly with other users.

You can change that in the dashboard settings, or by just changing the json you will check in.

A generally recommended value for the dashboardMetadata field is:

 "dashboardMetadata": {
"name": "{{ .name }}",
"shared": true,
"sharingDetails": {
"linkShared": true,
"published": true
"dashboardFilter": {
"timeframe": "",
"managementZone": {
"id": "{{ .managementZoneId }}",
"name": "{{ .managementZoneName }}"

This config does the following:

  • References the name of the Dashboard as a variable
  • Shares the dashboard with other users
  • Sets a management zone filter on the complete dashboard, again as a variable, most likely referenced from another config
    • Filtering the whole dashboard by management zone, ensures that data not meant to be shown is not accidentally picked up on tiles, and removes the possible need to define filters for individual tiles

From Dynatrace version 208 onwards, a dashboard configuration must:

  • Have a property ownner. The property owner in dashboardMetadata is mandatory and must contain a not null value.
  • The property sharingDetails in dashboardMetadata is no longer present.
Calculated log metrics JSON

There is a know drawback to monaco's workaround to the slightly off-standard API for Calculated Log Metrics. Because of this, you must follow specific naming conventions for your configuration:

When you create custom log metrics, your configuration's name must be the metricKey of the log metric.

Additionally, the configuration upload may fail when a metric configuration is newly created and an additional configuration depends on the new log metric. To work around this, set both metricKey and displayName to the same value.

Consequently, you must reference at least the metricKey of the log metric as {{ .name }} in the JSON file (as seen below).

e.g. in the configuration YAML

- name: "cal.log:this-is-some-metric"

and in the corresponding JSON:

"metricKey": "{{ .name }}",
"active": true,
"displayName": "{{ .name }}",
Conditional naming JSON

The conditionl naming API does not include a name parameter so you should map {{ .name }} to displayName.


"type": "PROCESS_GROUP",
"nameFormat": "Test naming PG for {Host:DetectedName}",
"displayName": "{{ .name }}",

This also applies to the HOST type. eg.

"type": "HOST",
"nameFormat": "Test - {Host:DetectedName}",
"displayName": "{{ .name }}",

Also applies to the SERVICE type. eg.

"type": "SERVICE",
"nameFormat": "{ProcessGroup:KubernetesNamespace} - {Service:DetectedName}",
"displayName": "{{ .name }}",

Configuration Types / APIs

Each such type folder must contain one configuration yaml and one or more json files containing the actual configuration send to the Dynatrace API. The folder name is case-sensitive and needs to be written exactly as in its definition in Supported Configuration Types.


{configuration type}/