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Version: 1.8.x

Migration of application detection rules

An internal change in how Dynatrace stores application detection rule configurations from version 1.252 upwards can result in issues with existing monitoring as code configuration.

As a positive effect of this change, there is no need to use app-detection-rule-v2 as of 1.252 upwards, as the API no longer requires special handling.

This Guide describes the manual steps required to work around this.

The issue

While monaco uses the 'name' of a configuration to identify it, an internal migration results in all existing app-detection-rule being renamed. This results in the first monitoring config deployment creating a new, duplicate configuration.

To check if you're facing this issue, look at the Application Detection rules in the Dynatrace UI or call the API directly.

As a sample, let's assume there is a single app-detection-rule defined via monaco as:

YAML Config:

- detection_rule: "det.json"

- name: "TEST RULE"
- application_id: "some-project/application-web/"

JSON Template:

"name": "{{ .name }}",
"applicationIdentifier": "{{ .application_id }}",
"filterConfig": {
"applicationMatchTarget": "DOMAIN",
"applicationMatchType": "MATCHES",
"pattern": ""

Looking into the Settings UI, where you would expect a single rule, you will see a duplicate after a monitoring config deployment:

A GET request to the API will have a result looking something like this:

curl -X GET "{YOUR ENVIRONMENT_URL}/api/config/v1/applicationDetectionRules" -H  "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H  "Authorization: Api-Token {YOUR API TOKEN}"
"values": [
"id": "e3348565-01b0-35a3-aae0-8957d5f6c1f2",
"name": "TEST RULE"
"id": "a8835418-c7b3-304d-a9f5-6cc08e8935f0",
"name": "a8835418-c7b3-304d-a9f5-6cc08e8935f0"

As you can see, one of these rules has the expected "TEST RULE" name, while the other has a name matching its ID.

Subsequent monitoring config deployments will update the correctly named rule but leave a duplicate of the original rule.


There are two ways to resolve the duplicated rules.

Easy but with possible monitoring impact

If you can accept a short timeframe in which there are no application detection rules in place, you can: 1) Delete all duplicate rules from the 'Application detection' Settings page (or via API) 2) Run monaco deploy to re-create the rules

Safe but requires manual validating and use of the API

If it is not acceptable to have any timeframe without application detection rules in place, you can: 1) Run monaco deploy

  • This will result in duplicated rules as described above, or might already be the case
  • Once duplicate rules exist, you can delete the migrated rule (where id and name are the same) while the correctly named rule stays in place and active 2) Query the API to get all rules
    curl -X GET "{YOUR ENVIRONMENT_URL}/api/config/v1/applicationDetectionRules" -H  "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H  "Authorization: Api-Token {YOUR API TOKEN}"
    3) If not all of your rules are defined via monitoring configuration as code, check the content of each configuration to identify the duplicates
    curl -X GET "{YOUR ENVIRONMENT_URL}/api/config/v1/applicationDetectionRules/{A RULE ID}" -H  "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H  "Authorization: Api-Token {YOUR API TOKEN}"
  • If the content matches one of your rules defined using monaco you can delete it as described below, or else leave it untouched.
  • If all your rules are defined using monaco, you can delete all migrated rules (where id and name are the same) 4) Delete the migrated duplicate using the API
    curl -X DELETE "{YOUR ENVIRONMENT_URL}/api/config/v1/applicationDetectionRules/{A RULE ID}" -H  "accept: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H  "Authorization: Api-Token {YOUR API TOKEN}"